7 Ideas on Where to Shower When Camping

I’ve been camping since I was a kid, and hygiene has never been an issue. Want to know how? I’ll share the seven ideas on where I usually shower while camping.

Should you find yourself on the road and without anywhere to refresh yourself, consider getting a gym membership.

Gym Membership for Free Camping Shower

I’m usually a big fan of the campground shower facilities because I don’t like to poop in my RV. Plus, our RV camping shower area is small, and the curtain clings to me.

Campground Shower Facilities

Public Shower

The public showers are perfect if you’re not afraid of being judged by other users and looking for a free shower.

Usually, state parks with shower facilities are coin-operated. The token showers are a regular thing in the US, and it helps with the upkeep of the shower block and the hot shower water.

State Parks

I’m a big fan of the portable shower, thanks to their convenience and money-saving approach. I find myself bathing more with a portable shower than I would visit the campground showers.

Portable Camp Shower

I’m a retired military officer and can tell you that baby wipes are also a thing. We used them in our ops, and they were good for the touch-up of the smelly bits and as an alternative outdoor shower.

Baby Wipes

If you’re camping near a river, creek, stream, hot springs, or lake, take advantage! Simply take a dip and scrub yourself thoroughly for a clean.

Bathing Au Naturel

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