
How To Stop Skiing in the Backseat

Skiing in the Backseat

Skiing is a great way to get out and enjoy the snow. But, if you’re not careful, you can easily find yourself skiing in the backseat. This can be dangerous!

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the risks associated with skiing in the backseat and how to avoid this bad habit.

What is Backseat Skiing?

When heading downhill, if a skier leans too far back, it is referred to as “backseat skiing,” and it is considered unsafe. 

Backseat skiing is very common in beginners and inexperienced skiers. The skier will consequently lose their balance and tumble backwards, most likely colliding with rocks or trees.

Why Do People Ski in the Backseat?

Improper technique is the main reason behind why people ski in the backseat.

If you’re a beginner skier, you might get into the habit of leaning back too far because you’re afraid of the hills

why people skiing backseat

As a precaution against a forward fall, some skiers lean too far back while descending hills. The downside is that it raises the probability of falling backwards, not forwards. 

Several skiers lean too far back when descending hills in an attempt to avoid a backwards fall

This also frequently occurs when you are a little bit on the defensive or when you are transitioning from a surface that is slower to one that is faster.

If you are hesitant because you are worried about your pace, the terrain, if there’s rain on the ski slope or the circumstances, you might lean back as well. 

Or perhaps your strategies are to blame, such as how you dominate a mogul (or not). Even as one’s self-esteem and abilities grow, this bad habit may continue. 

The Potential Risks of Backseat Skiing 

Skiing from the backseat comes with several potentially catastrophic and unpleasant concerns, including falling backwards too frequently. 

Potential Risks of Backseat Skiing

Several probable risks could arise from skiing backseat which includes: 

  • Collisions with trees and other obstacles. 
  • Sciatica
  • Swelling in the muscles can cause burning feelings or general discomfort. 
  • A fall that results in a concussion, a broken bone, or a twisted joint.
  • Running into someone else on the slopes.
  • Snow blindness.

For starters, even if you’re wearing a ski jacket or suit, your lower back is exposed and unprotected

Moreover, skiing from the backseat exerts additional strain on your thighs and lower legs, which can cause ankle pain

How Can I Tell if I’m in the Backseat?

It is common for skiers of all levels to develop the bad habit of leaning back too far when they are skiing. You might not even be aware of the fact that it is something you do. 

Here are some signs that indicate you might be in the backseat: You experience soreness in your lower back or upper thigh

  • You have trouble changing the edges on your skis. 
  • You find that your hands drop down by your hips.
  • You fall backwards frequently. 
  • You start losing your balance on turns. 

How to Avoid Skiing in the Backseat 

Avoiding skiing in the backseat is something that can be accomplished by the vast majority of skiers; nevertheless, it will require some time and practice on their part.  

However, when you go downhill skiing the next time, giving the following procedures a try is a good approach to avoid backseat skiing:

Avoid Backseat skiing
  • Instead of leaning heavily to one side, shift your weight so that you can keep your balance.
  • When you ski, you put more of your weight on the front of your boots.
  • While you are holding on to your poles, move your arms slightly upward so that you do not feel the need to lean backwards to keep your balance.
  • Bring your knees as close to your toes as you comfortably can.

Ski boots that are too big or too small might be another contributor to some skiers developing the habit of skiing in the backseat. Make sure you choose the RIGHT ski boot.

So, be sure that your ski boots provide adequate support while also being comfortable enough to allow for a decent amount of foot and ankle movement.

How to Ski in the Backseat?

If you wanna “knowingly” ski in the backseat (NOT Recommended!) Here are some pointers:

When skiing in the backseat, you should avoid smashing into other people. You can’t ski as fast as you want to, but if you’re wearing a helmetand have good control of your skis, your chances of being hit are slim.

backseat skier

The “backseat” pattern might begin to form as soon as your feet go a bit ahead of your hips. Take a defensive position and lean back as much as possible when you’re skiing in the backseat. This will reduce the chance of being hit by another skier or snowboarder. 

It also means that you won’t be able to see where you’re going as easily if someone else is in front of you. It’s also important not to lean too far back because it could cause you to fall over sideways or backwards.

Instead, keep your body upright and parallel with the ground so that it looks like you’re standing still while skiing backwards!

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Lisa Hayden-Matthews

Lisa Hayden-Matthews

An avid Skier, bike rider, triathlon enthusiast, amateurish beach volleyball player and nature lover who has never lost a dare! I manage the overall Editorial section for the magazine here and occasionally chip in with my own nature photographs, when required.

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