
Skiing With Injuries: 13 Questions Answered

Skiing with injuries

There are only a few things in life that are as frustrating as being injured and not being able to do the things you love. And for some people this means not being able to go skiing. But is it really true that you can’t ski with injuries?

It’s important to understand that there are different types of injuries, and not all of them will have the same effect on your ability to ski. Some injuries will make it impossible to ski, while others might only limit your ability to do certain things.

In this article, I’ll discuss skiing with 13 common injuries and conditions. We hope that this will help you get some idea about whether or not you can ski with your particular injury.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and don’t take anything in the post as medical advice. You should always get your doctor’s approval if you have any of these injuries.

Can You Ski With a Pacemaker?

Yes, you can ski with a pacemaker without any issues if you take the necessary precautions. However it might not be for everyone, as every case is different. 

If you feel fine, you could probably get back to skiing in about 3 – 8 weeks but again, every case is different and your doctor should be able to give you an exact answer. 

Unfortunately, there are some risks involved with skiing with a pacemaker. There is a chance of an electromagnetic interference with your pacemaker at the ski lift gate which could potentially cause a serious experience. But it’s rare and if you are not comfortable doing it, you could always let the staff at the lift know and they’ll arrange something.

Plus, there is always a chance you could fall when skiing and damage your pacemaker

Here are some tips and a couple of precautions you could take if you are going to ski with a pacemaker or an ICD

  • Wear a medical alert ID
  • Take any medical items you might need
  • Take a couple of ski lessons beforehand
  • Get travel insurance 

Can You Ski With a Fused Ankle?

Generally, it is possible to ski with a fused ankle with the help of heel lift on your ski boot, or even an orthotic insole.

But depending on the type of fusion surgery you had, your doctor may or may not recommend skiing, just like skiing with a sprained ankle. With some types of fusion surgery, there is a risk of the bones breaking or the screws coming loose.

Can You Ski With a Broken Hand?

Can You Ski With a Broken Hand?

Yes, you can ski with a broken hand, but it is certainly not going to be easy.

If you have a broken hand, you’ll have to ski without the ski poles and you will be at a disadvantage when it comes to balance. Plus, getting the gloves on might also be somewhat difficult.

One of the first things you need to do if you want to ski with a broken hand is to get a splint. This will help to immobilize your hand and help to prevent further injury. You can either get it from a pharmacy, or you can improvise and make one at home.

Try easier slopes and it’s best to avoid skiing in areas where there are a lot of people. Keep in mind that if you do fall, the injury might worsen and you may have to undergo surgery.

Can You Ski With a Broken Foot?

Unfortunately you cannot ski with a broken foot and you need to wait until it heals. 

There are two reasons why you shouldn’t ski with a broken foot. First, when you ski, you put a lot of pressure on your feet. This can be extremely painful if you have a broken foot. 

Second, it’s super difficult to ski with a broken foot and there’s a good chance you’ll fall and potentially worsen your foot or break it in a different spot.

Can You Ski With a Broken Toe?

Yes, You can ski with a broken toe as long as you can get the ski boots on and it doesn’t hurt a lot when you stand. 

But you need to be careful if it’s your big toe and wait till it heals. If it’s one of the toes, you can tape it to the neighboring toe and you should be good to go.

Can You Ski With a Broken Finger?

Yes, you can ski with a broken finger. Tape the broken finger to the neighboring finger and wear mittens, and you’ll be fine.

Additionally, you will want to be careful with your grip on the ski poles. You may ski with just one pole or you can ditch both but it’s gonna be harder to balance and increases the likelihood of falling.

However, if the break is more severe, or if it is located near a joint, then it is generally not recommended to ski with a broken finger.

Can You Ski With a Hamstring Injury?

Unfortunately you can’t ski with a hamstring injury as skiing will only make it worse. You’ll have to wait till it heals.

A hamstring injury can be very painful and can make it difficult to walk or sometimes even stand and skiing is a high-impact activity that puts a lot of strain on the hamstrings. So it is not recommended, as there is a good chance skiing could aggravate a hamstring injury.

Can You Ski With a Cold?

Yes, you can definitely ski with a cold, but it depends on how you are feeling. Most of the time you will be okay but it could be miserable. You’re shivering, your nose is running, and you can’t stop thinking about how warm you would be if you were at home in bed.

Personally speaking, a cold has never stopped me from skiing. Skiing with injuries is one thing, skiing with a cold is totally different.

Plus, it’s actually good because you get fresh air. Cold air does not worsen your cold but staying cooped up at your house full of germs will.   

Can You Ski With a Hernia?

In general, skiing is considered to be a safe activity for people with a hernia as long as they are not in pain.

But if your hernia is causing you pain, it is important to talk to your doctor before participating in any physical activity, including skiing. Your doctor will be able to give you specific instructions on what you can and cannot do based on the type of hernia you have.

Can You Ski With a Stress Fracture?

Can You Ski With a Stress Fracture?

You can go skiing with a stress fracture as long as you don’t feel any pain when putting on the ski boots and when skiing. Keep in mind that treatment for a stress fracture usually involves rest and avoiding activities that make the pain worse.

First, you need to try putting your ski boots on. Ski boots are rather hard to get on and you may need to twist and push your leg and if it starts to hurt when you do it, it’s a bad idea to go skiing otherwise it will worsen the injury and it’ll take more time to heal.

Now, if you got your ski boots on without issues and you try to ski and you don’t feel any pain at all, you should be okay. But if it does hurt, you should stop immediately. 

Can You Ski With a Torn Meniscus?

If you have a torn meniscus, you might be able to ski with the help of a ski brace if the tear is small and does not cause pain, but it’s recommended that you wait until it heals. 

Skiing with torn meniscus will be hard, even with a brace because the brace only helps with stability and it won’t do any good when you need to bend, turn or make sudden moves, so it’s going to be really uncomfortable.

And if the tear is large or causes pain, you should definitely avoid even thinking about skiing.

Can You Ski With a Torn Hip Labrum?

Unfortunately, you cannot ski with a torn hip labrum and you will have to undergo surgery and wait until it’s fully healed.

Because you will fall down on your hips a lot when you are skiing and it can aggravate a hip labral tear. Plus, the twisting and turning motions required when skiing puts a lot of stress on the hips and makes it worse, just like skiing with herniated discs.  

Can You Ski With Achilles Tendonitis?

You can ski with achilles tendonitis as there won’t be much ankle movement in the ski boot. But you need to take precautions.

Quick tip – adjust your ski boot cuff to 13 degrees which will allow ankle dorsiflexion to start at a more upright position. A heel lift will help too. 

Make sure that you warm up before you ski. And ski on gentle slopes at first, and gradually increase the difficulty of the slopes as you get more comfortable. And take breaks often, and if you start to feel pain, stop skiing and rest.

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Picture of Lisa Hayden-Matthews

Lisa Hayden-Matthews

An avid Skier, bike rider, triathlon enthusiast, amateurish beach volleyball player and nature lover who has never lost a dare! I manage the overall Editorial section for the magazine here and occasionally chip in with my own nature photographs, when required.
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