
How Much Does a Bosch Ebike Cost?

How Much Does a Bosch Ebike Cost

The question should probably be, does a Bosch electric bike need as many service intervals as the maintenance indicator indicates. That’s what makes it expensive.

The Bosch ebike is one of the most sustainable means of transport and plays a central role in the mobility of the future. For more than a decade, Bosch has been offering innovative ebike drive systems with outstanding performance and quality. The motor also has a drive assistant when it is physically impossible to drive the ebike down the mountain slopes.

The intelligent system combines the motor, rechargeable battery and display and guarantees a highly unique eBike experience -thanks to the perfect arty cohesion of the components.

But what about the price? It Depends… I know! but there are plethora of factors that contribute to the variation of pricing -sometimes even with the same feature-set. According to latest pricing on the web:

 Performance Line CXPerformance LineActive Line PlusActive LineCargo Line
Best forMountain bikingMountain biking. Long distance or fast touringCommuting or relaxed touringCommuting or leisure riding.Cargo bikes, carrying heavy loads
Support level %+Turbo: 340:Turbo: 300Turbo: 270Turbo: 250Turbo: 400
eMTB*: 140-340Sport/eMTB*: 120-300Sport: 180Sport: 170Sport: 240
Tour: 140Tour: 120Tour: 100Tour: 100Tour: 140
Eco: 60Eco: 55Eco: 40Eco: 40Eco: 60
Maximum possible torque (Nm)7565504075
Maximum supported cadence (rpm)120120105100120
Start-up behaviourVery sportySportyHarmoniously agileHarmoniousPowerful
WeightApprox. 2.9kgApprox. 3.2kgApprox. 3.2kgApprox. 2.9kgApprox. 2.9kg

Wow, they cost you more than a penny! Before you jump on any of the models, one crucial factor that needs to be at the forefront of your thinking is the range. Ask yourself, what is your most common reason for using your e-bike in your daily life? Casual commuting? School runs? or a full fledge replacement for your ICE car.

Use Bosch’s Range Calculator to see it for yourself what plethora of modes (eco, mtb, sport, tour etc) combined with weight and effort with a chosen average speed can actually mean in real world. Please note that the Bosch Performance Line Speed and Cargo Line Speed are not included in this estimate because they offer a maximum assist speed which is currently illegal for e-bikes in the UK. The calculator allows you to select the Bosch e-bike motor and battery, modify the ride factors and wham, out comes an estimate of the range.

Most of the popular electric bike manufacturers use Bosch eBike systems to create a high quality electric bike. If you are looking for an electric bike with high-quality motors and excellent performance, choose those with Bosch motors.

Bosch eBike systems are controlled via an on-board computer or a compatible smartphone display. Whether you’re putting in big miles on a hybrid electric bike or riding your favorite trail, Bosch’s Performance line always offers the right level of support. A recent addition from Bosch, the slim and compact design allows e-bike manufacturers to seamlessly integrate the battery into their frame. Bosch eBike motors use a torque sensor, which is a more advanced type of pedal assist than many other manufacturers, who use cadence sensors.

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Picture of Lisa Hayden-Matthews

Lisa Hayden-Matthews

An avid Skier, bike rider, triathlon enthusiast, amateurish beach volleyball player and nature lover who has never lost a dare! I manage the overall Editorial section for the magazine here and occasionally chip in with my own nature photographs, when required.
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