
How To Make Spikes For Cosplay

How To Make Spikes For Cosplay

Did you know that you can actually make your own spikes for that costume you’re planning to wear for the next con? You might have seen a lot of oddly shaped spikes attached to different costumes. You might even wonder where to get one that would best suit your outfit. Here’s some good news! EVA foam has made it possible to craft various pieces including spikes.

What Materials Do I Need?

What Materials Do I Need

There are actually a lot of techniques in crafting your costume spikes. Depending on which shape you’re looking to make, materials would also vary. If you’re looking at a tutorial video platform for some strategies, you’d better turn on your personalized content and ads so you can get better results for the information you are looking to find.

Generally, resin and epoxy are must-haves when crafting spikes using EVA craft foam. Depending on your settings, suggested content on which materials are best to be used in crafting cosplay spikes can appear. This can be tricky especially when not a lot of platforms offer tips on how to specifically make spikes.

However, you can check services like tracking outages to be able to locate the best Google searches and videos results which are best-intended references for the project you are doing.

Aside from adhesives, you will need crafting materials such as scissors, rulers, and measurement tools. You will also need to check EVA craft foam color availability although these materials come in a wide color variety. If you’re looking to paint it, getting a plain EVA foam is the best thing to do. Then, you can make use of acrylic spray or airbrush paints.

Where Can I Get EVA Foam Spike Patterns?

Where Can I Get EVA Foam Spike Patterns

So, where can you actually get patterns to make your costume spikes? If you’re looking on a website for ideas, you can check out their engagement and site statistics data. This will give you the idea if you’re actually on a good website that can suggest the right patterns for your craft project.

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for patterns on Youtube, browse your settings and maintain services like tracking. This will signal the platform to deliver and maintain services including sending you the right suggestions. Take note that when you’ve turned on personalized content and generic ads, you will also get the chance to sign up for emails and newsletters.

You can find this on your Youtube homepage and ads section. Don’t worry about getting spammed once you sign up for newsletters because these services are protecting against spam fraud and abuse. In other words, ad serving is based on what you are actually looking for.

Using Free Patterns Software From Personalized Content And Ads Suggestions

Did you know that there are actually free software and apps which can create free patterns for you? You can find these from sites that suggest or show personalized or generic content. You can also find free pattern generating software from personalized or generic ads whenever an activity like Google searches is detected.

By making use of these, you will be able to design your own spikes without worrying about costs. Although there may be patterns for craft making available online, most of these aren’t free. So, making use of services and develop new pattern ideas can really be valuable to numerous cosplayers.

Let’s Start Making Spikes

Let's Start Making Spikes

Here’s a quick tip before we get the ball running: if you are looking for audience engagement and site statistics to understand your website’s metrics and algorithms, you need to make sure to craft your costume with the best detail.

As you know, unique site visits are usually because of eyecatching pictures and content. Thus, if your spikes help create that overall awesome impact on your cosplay attire. Are you excited? I bet you are!

Cementing The Layers

Get things started by cementing one layer onto another. If you are getting two or more foam layers together, then you will have to apply contact cement one at a time. Leave the craft foam pieces to dry and set aside.

Usually, beginner cosplayers would find the best tutorial video recommendations on a customized Youtube homepage. So, if you are having a hard time figuring out how to apply contact cement, you can always watch these suggested contents.

Trace And Cut

Tracing and cutting are really fun when creating original pieces. After you’ve stuck your foam successfully, it’s now time to trace the shape of the spikes you need. After that, you can use a hobby knife to start the cutting process. Don’t forget to cut straight and all the way through your EVA. Then, remove the excess parts to create a rounder spike shape. Take note that it doesn’t have to be perfect if you’re only aiming for a general spike shape.

Dusting Off And Sealing Your Spikes

Are you starting your fine-tune your spike forms? Don’t forget to do this from the tip to the base. If you do otherwise, chances are your spikes will become wobbly instead of becoming firm. Don’t forget to constantly measure spike sizes as you might sand these too small for your costume to best fit.

The last yet important part of this process is to seal your spikes using a heat gun. This will bond it onto the base and get rid of the fuzziness. Once done, you’re craft is now ready for paint priming.



Are you ready for the upcoming con? Crafting your own costume is always fun! You can measure audience engagement from how your costume is received the moment you post it on your website. If you are tracking outages and protecting your site’s metrics, make sure that the use cookies and data feature is turned on. Other than that, enjoy the con and take loads of photos for remembrance!

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Picture of Lisa Hayden-Matthews

Lisa Hayden-Matthews

An avid Skier, bike rider, triathlon enthusiast, amateurish beach volleyball player and nature lover who has never lost a dare! I manage the overall Editorial section for the magazine here and occasionally chip in with my own nature photographs, when required.
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