How Hot Does An Average Campfire Get? (Things You Should Know!)

How Hot Does An Average Campfire Get

Key Takeaways
● An average campfire can reach temperatures up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
● Contributing factors to a campfire’s heat include the fire’s size and shape, types of fuel used, wind direction and speed, and air temperature.
● Always take necessary safety precautions when using a campfire, such as keeping the fire away from flammable materials and never leaving it unattended.

Summertime means camping trips for many people. One of the main activities while camping is sitting around the fire pit, roasting marshmallows and telling stories. How hot does an average campfire get? Do you need to worry about getting too close to the flames?

A campfire temperature can average reach 600 and 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The size of the fire and the type of wood being burned will affect how hot it gets. Generally speaking, the larger the fire, the higher the temperatures.

In this article, we’ll discuss why campfires can get so hot and how to enjoy the warmth of a campfire safely.

How Hot Is A Campfire In General?

How Hot Is A Campfire In General

Campfires can provide warmth and light during a camping trip, making the experience all the more special. But just how hot is a campfire?

The temperature of a campfire depends on several FACTORS, such as the fire’s size and the type of wood used. On average, a campfire can reach temperatures between 600-800 degrees Fahrenheit [1].

These temperatures are hot enough to cause severe BURNS and should be respected at all times. Knowing the safety guidelines for campfires and keeping children and pets away from the flames is essential.

Factors That Affect The Temperature Of A Campfire

Factors That Affect The Temperature Of A Campfire

The temperature of a campfire is affected by several factors; take a look at the following:

Size of Fire

The size of the fire plays a crucial role in determining how hot it will get. A larger fire will produce more heat energy, which means higher temperatures than a smaller one.

Generally speaking, bigger bonfires are HOTTER than small campfires, even up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Type of Fuel Used

The type of wood being burned can also impact the temperature of a campfire. Hardwoods such as oak and hickory wood burn much HOTTER than softer woods like pine or cedar [2].

AVOID using hardwoods if you want to keep your campfire from getting too hot. Instead, opt for slower-burning softwoods that catch fire in a slow manner.

Wind Conditions

Windy conditions can also affect the heat of a campfire. A strong breeze can cause flames to blow upward, INCREASING the fire’s temperature.

To keep your campfire from getting too hot, try to find an area sheltered from winds, or better yet, build a WINDBREAK out of logs or rocks. This will help keep the flames under control and prevent excessive heating.

Oxygen Level

The amount of oxygen present also affects a campfire’s temperature. A fire with TOO much oxygen will burn hotter than one with less [3].

To lower the temperature of your fire, try partially closing off the air SUPPLY by using damp leaves or sand to smother the flames. This will reduce the amount of oxygen in the area and the heat level.

Pro Tip: Monitor your campfire’s temperature regularly to ensure it’s not getting too hot.

How Can You Measure The Temperature Of A Campfire?

How Can You Measure The Temperature Of A Campfire

Knowing how hot your campfire it is important before getting near it, especially if you’re camping with children. There are several ways to measure a campfire’s temperature:


A thermometer is the most accurate way to measure the temperature of a campfire. If you’re camping with one, hold it CLOSE to the flames and read the digital display or mercury column for an accurate reading.

Most thermometers are designed to WITHSTAND high temperatures, so don’t be afraid to get too close. Remember that readings will be highest at the top, where the hottest part of the fire is located.

To get an average temperature, move around the fire and take multiple readings from different locations. Make sure to keep your thermometer AWAY from direct flames, as this could cause damage.

Pro Tip: Blue flames appear when the air in the fire is hot enough to burn oxygen, be careful not to get too close!

Infrared thermometer

Another way to measure the temperature of a campfire is with an infrared thermometer. These devices emit a BEAM of IR radiation that can be used to accurately measure the heat coming off a fire from several feet away.

This tool is great for getting accurate readings WITHOUT getting too close to the flames, but it’s also more expensive than a traditional thermometer.

Temperature Gun

A temperature gun (also known as a laser thermometer) is another option for measuring the heat coming off a campfire. These devices use INFRARED technology to measure temperatures up to several yards away, making them perfect for LARGER fires.

Temperature guns are great for quickly getting accurate readings and can monitor multiple heat sources simultaneously. Plus, they’re relatively INEXPENSIVE and easy to use.

Pro Tip: Keep your thermometer, infrared thermometer, or temperature gun away from direct flames.

The Dangers Of A Campfire

The Dangers Of A Campfire

Campfires can be dangerous if not appropriately managed, as the flames and heat they generate can cause serious harm. The temperature of a campfire can exceed 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s essential to take proper precautions when using one.

Here are some of the dangers associated with a hot campfire:

Burns And Injury

The intense campfire heat can cause severe fire burns and injuries if you get TOO close. Keep your distance from the flames to avoid getting burned or another injury.

If someone does get too close, make sure to have cool water NEARBY for first aid measures. Also, be aware that hot coals remain dangerous long after the fire has died, so always take care when approaching them.


Another danger associated with campfires is the risk of accidentally starting a wildfire. Only build fires in DESIGNATED areas and follow all local regulations to prevent this.

Make sure to properly EXTINGUISH fires when done using them by dousing them with water and stirring up the ashes until no more heat can be felt. It’s also essential to monitor the fire and make sure it stays within your control.

Smoke Inhalation

Smoke inhalation is another potential hazard of campfires. The smoke produced by a fire can IRRITATE your eyes, nose, and throat and cause other health problems like headaches and dizziness.

To reduce the risk of smoke inhalation, build your fire in an open area with plenty of VENTILATION. It’s also important to keep children from the fire and ensure they don’t inhale too much smoke.

Pro Tip: Set up camp away from the fire to reduce the risk of smoke inhalation.

Safety Tips For Using A Campfire

Safety Tips For Using A Campfire

Campfires can be a great source of fun and warmth when used safely. Here are some tips for keeping you and your family safe when using a campfire:

Keep A Fire Extinguisher On Hand

It is always important to have a fire extinguisher nearby when using a campfire. Fire extinguishers can quickly put out any UNEXPECTED flames that may occur, making them essential for keeping you and your family safe.

Make sure to keep the fire extinguisher close by and easily ACCESSIBLE in case an emergency arises. It’s also important to check the pressure gauge regularly and ensure it is full of pressure before use.

Additionally, familiarize yourself with the INSTRUCTIONS so you know how to use them if needed correctly.

Monitor Your Fire

It’s essential to monitor your campfire at all times, as even small sparks can become DANGEROUS flames quickly. Check frequently for signs like too much smoke or flames reaching higher than expected.

Additionally, if you don’t need the fire anymore, it’s essential to put it out entirely BEFORE leaving the area.

Stay A Safe Distance Away

To avoid getting burned or injured by a campfire, stay at least FIVE feet away from the direct flames at all times. This will help ensure you don’t accidentally get too close and suffer any harm caused by intense heat or sparks flying out of the fire.

Also, be aware that even when not directly interacting with the fire, you should still stay a safe distance away to AVOID the smoke produced by wood burns and other materials.

Know The Average Metal Melting Points

Be aware that campfire’s heat can exceed certain metals’ melting point. Aluminum, copper, and brass all have melting points close to or below 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, so be careful when having these materials around a campfire.

This is essential to understand for your camping cooking utensils and other objects, as they can MELT and become dangerous to use if left too close to the fire.

Don’t Leave A Fire Unattended

Never leave a campfire unattended. Even if you think the fire is under control, something could go wrong at ANY moment and cause it to get out of hand.

It’s important ALWAYS to have someone keeping an eye on the fire and monitoring it for any unexpected changes. This way, any issues can be addressed quickly and safely before they become more serious.

Dress Appropriately

Furthermore, make sure to dress appropriately for a campfire. Wear long pants and closed-toe shoes to PROTECT yourself from sparks or hot coals that may fly out of the fire.

Additionally, wear flame-resistant clothing if you get close to the flames. This will help provide an extra layer of protection should something unexpected occur.

Follow Local Regulations

Finally, before lighting a campfire, check your local regulations to ensure that you are following the proper safety PROTOCOLS and not breaking any laws. This way, you can rest assured that you are using the fire correctly and safely.

For example, in some campsites, you will need to use a metal fire pit to contain the fire and ensure it is completely extinguished when finished.

Know Your Cooking Temperature

If you are using a campfire for cooking, make sure to know the temperature your food must reach to be safe for consumption.

Above the flames, the temperature can reach up to 500°F, but closer to the ground, it is much lower. To ensure your food reaches a safe cooking temperature, use a thermometer to measure the heat near the coals or wood.

Be sure to use cast iron when cooking over a campfire to promote even heating and proper cooking temperatures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Put Out A Campfire?

A campfire can be removed by completely covering it with dirt or sand and ensuring that all embers are extinguished. Pouring water over the fire is also an effective way to put it out.

What Kind of Fire Extinguisher Should I Have On Hand When Using A Campfire?

When using a campfire, have a Class A fire extinguisher. This type of extinguisher is designed specifically for fires that involve ordinary combustible materials such as wood or paper.

Additionally, it would be best to have a fire blanket nearby in an emergency. Fire blankets are designed to smother flames and reduce the spread of fire. They can be used to wrap around items or people if needed.



Campfires can be a great way to keep warm and provide light in outdoor settings. However, it’s essential to understand the temperature of an average campfire and how to use one safely.

Always keep a safe distance from the flames and never leave a fire unattended. Additionally, dress appropriately for a campfire, keep children away from it, and follow local regulations when using one.

Following these tips and taking the necessary precautions when utilizing a campfire can ensure that everyone stays safe and enjoys the experience.

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Picture of Lisa Hayden-Matthews

Lisa Hayden-Matthews

An avid Skier, bike rider, triathlon enthusiast, amateurish beach volleyball player and nature lover who has never lost a dare! I manage the overall Editorial section for the magazine here and occasionally chip in with my own nature photographs, when required.
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