How Camping Is Good for You & Why You Should Do It

How Camping Is Good for You

Camping is a bit of a polarizing topic within my friend group, but I love it.

It’s something my family has done since I was a teen. I’ve so many memories of the camping trips.

What appeals to me most is the methodical aspect of camping. See, my normal life is chaotic, full of noise and reactive behavior.

On the other hand, camping is all about quiet organization. “Water storage is here, the cooking kit goes here, sleeping bags go there,” etcetera.


But that’s not the only benefit of camping.

Here’re more reasons why camping is my pastime favorite and why you should do it:

1)      Breath fresh air

2)      Get Away from the Outside World

3)      Create more family bond

4)      Keep fit and gain physical benefits

5)      Have some me-time

6)      Pure Wanderlust Experience

7)      Enjoy the great outdoors

8)      Make it easier to disconnect from the real world

9)      Reduce stress

10)   Inexpensive experience

11)   Unwind

12)   Explore new experiences and create new friendships

13)   Learn new skills

14)   Slow down

15)   More freedom

16)   Chill

17)   Get back to the basics

And in the guide below, I’ll detail everything you need to know about the benefits of camping and why you should consider it.

Read on!

17 Benefits of Camping

17 Benefits of Camping

Breath Fresh Air

With the rise of urbanization, fresh air is increasingly becoming a luxury commodity.

If you live in a city, chances are your breathing air isn’t fresh and might even be contaminated with asthma and other breathing-related pollutants.

But time spent camping allows you to breathe in uncontaminated air, treats your body, and improves your well-being.

And with more oxygen in your system, your body releases serotonin, which adds to the happiness level and reduces stress.

And that’s not the only benefit of oxygen in your system. By spending a few days outdoors, you get plenty of overall health benefits, including improved blood pressure,  better sleep quality, better mental health, better digestion, and boosted immune system.

Keep Fit (More Exercise Camping)

Camping also appeals the fitness enthusiasts because it offers an incredible way to keep your physical fitness in top conditions and reap the health benefits.

In my case, I couldn’t be happier with the outdoor activities because my job hardly gives me the time to visit the gym or exercise.

But while camping, I enjoy plenty of physical activities, including climbing mountains to fetch firewood, fetching water from the river, setting up my tent, trekking long distances, and more.

I can even push my physical fitness and overall health benefits boundaries by adding some camping trip recreational activities in the mix, such as fishing, swimming, bike riding, and walking.

Have Some Me-Time

Everyone deserves the time and space to be alone in their thoughts. It helps with self-awareness and a better connection with Nature.

And the bitter truth is such opportunities hardly come in the modern world.

But camping gives you the opportunity for a me-time, which is insanely healing. I usually find it peaceful to be alone in the woods.

It functions as a self-care retreat, where I can truly ponder on things that are weighing me down.

I also get to see the beauty of the earth while at the same time keeping fit and meditating.

I feel good, develop more self-awareness, solve my mental problems, and appreciate Nature at the end of it all.

Pure Wanderlust Experience

Camping is pure wanderlust.

It’s easy to find plenty of unexpected or uncommon events/things. I usually compare camping to traveling or exploring new places.

For example, when fishing, you may drop a strong, only to bag a fish that would cost you $100 to buy for free. The same case with foraging for food and other essentials.

The earth has plenty of free shit, and they’re not limited to physical commodities.

For example, the unpolluted air, cool breeze, and warm sun (Vitamin D) feel nice.

While camping, you can always jump on the creek for a swim, fish in the numerous waterways, forage fruits, etc.

I love interacting with wildlife. I’m a big fan of raccoons and foxes. Every time I head out, I usually carry boiled eggs and peanut butter for the new friends.

And if by any chance you’ve a marshmallow, know you’ll have friends for life with the raccoons.

Enjoy Outdoors

Enjoy Outdoors

A camping trip offers a unique way to enjoy the outdoors.

It’s unlike the crowded outdoor spaces that we live in.

Instead, the camping experience offers a nice way to smell, feel and live in the outside world, immersed in flora and fauna.

You also enjoy and get to be part of the natural features such as waterfalls, lakes, creeks, mountains, and so much more.

It’s enlightening and allows you to enjoy the outdoors more than ever.

Plus, camping allows you to get in touch with Nature.

The subtle activities such as sleeping under a tent, cooking food over an open fire, making your fire, and creating your shelter will bring you back to your ancestral roots.

See, nothing feels better than sleeping under the stars and waking up to fresh air in the morning.

There’s also the benefit of more sunlight, which helps with the absorption of Vitamin D. The extra sunlight, which is better than artificial light, helps the body absorb calcium, which is necessary for bone health and general well-being.

Easier to Disconnect

I work in IT and can’t get enough of being close to computers and everything.

But sometimes, I need to get away from technology, and camping offers exactly that.

See, disconnecting from the technology allows you to remember there’s more life past the devices and gadgets and constant stimulation. With no phone, laptop, or Wi-Fi, I’m forced to be more present and enjoy the natural sensations.

For example, before I came to appreciate the benefits of camping, I couldn’t keep my iPhone down or even pay attention to the people around me.

But all of that changed with camping. It allowed me to unplug and enjoy the simplicity of Nature.

I don’t have to worry about charging my electronics; instead, I recharge my body batteries. My body always feels refreshed and energized after the experience.

Reduce Stress

One of the major health benefits of camping is the reduction of stress.

It does this by reducing the common outdoor triggers such as traffic, work pressure, chaotic city life, and more.

Instead, it replaces the chaos with the calming effects of birds’ chirps, the sound of the creeks, waves crashing on the beach, the wind blowing through the trees, and so much more.

These keep your brains healthy, keep away health problems, boost your energy levels, and improve overall well-being.

It’s a therapeutic effect and much more than what you’re normally accustomed to in your playlist.

Plus, the physical demands and exercises that camping comes with also help reduce stress and work on your emotional health and other aspects such as high-quality sleep.

Inexpensive camping


I love camping because it’s usually a low-cost affair. It offers a great way to travel, connect with Nature and wildlife, and do so much more for a lot less.

Going outdoors is inexpensive and a great alternative to conventional traveling.

The expense of a controlled campground, national parks, or car camping is much lesser than a night out in a dingy inn. The costs are even cut further if you choose to boondock.

Additionally, Nature provides you with the option t prepare your meals just the way to love them, which is less expensive than in an eatery.

Camping Helps you Unwind

The modern-day world puts so much pressure on both kids and adults. From working hard for good grades, and paying bills, to paying taxes, everyone is always anxious all year round.

Camping can help you relax and unwind from the harshness and extremities of daily life.

When on a camping trip, you’re allowed to put away the books, work, phone, and other distractions to concentrate on having fun.

The experiences de-stresses you from the chaotic life and increase your productivity once you get back to normalcy.

Networking and New Experiences

Networking and New Experiences

It’s easy to think camping is for the lone rangers, but that’s far from the truth.

Today, more people are taking up the idea of camping, and it’s often easy to come across a community or group of friends with a similar interest.

Usually, campers will congregate around the campfire to share fun stories, especially on the many campgrounds.

It helps to create new friendships and brings on new experiences.

Some campsites even have outdoor recreational activities such as bass fishing, hiking, ropes, and mountain biking.

Trying new challenges with new friends bolsters the bond and makes the experience more fulfilling. It also leaves a positive impact on the kids, lowers their stress levels, boosts their self-esteem, and is a key factor in providing a calming effect.

More Bond (Relationship Building)

As absurd as it may seem, I’ve severally made up with my girl after a quarrel while camping. I’ve the cheek to ask out for camping, and in the end, we always reconcile.

Of course, while not all camping trips will help you reconcile,  being close to your loved one without interference from civilization makes communication easier.

Having to depend on each other to cook food and perform other essential camping tasks also builds camaraderie, shared purpose, and a sense of togetherness.

It also offers a great bonding experience with friends. And the teamwork and problem-solving approach always climax around the campfire.

It’s unlike bonding in bars or brunches on a typical weekend. Camping trips will need more planning, dedication, and commitment, making you feel closer at the end of the day.

Get Away from the Outside World

The other benefit of camping is cutting off from the outside world.

I put away all the hectic and demanding needs of the outside world and instead have to focus on only setting my tent up, preparing my meals, and taking a walk after dinner.

To put it simply, it’s easier to achieve good physical, mental relaxation, and health benefits outdoors, especially when you don’t have to deal with the chaos of the outside world.

Learn New Skills

Learn New Skills

A great benefit of camping, especially backpacking, is simplifying your life.

It allows you to love life without some of the life luxuries such as electricity and refrigeration.

Backpacking provides you with the valuable skills you need for primitive cooking, foraging for foods, and even dealing with extreme outdoor conditions.

If you’re smart, you could even develop a new map-reading skill. You don’t need sidewalks or signs to learn about your direction or orientation.

Plus, you’ll also learn how to survive without the electronics such as laptops or GPS.

You learn to appreciate what Nature provides and its fearsome might.

Camping is also a special way of teaching kids new things and life experiences.

On the hiking trails, it’s easy to encounter new vegetation, creatures, wildlife, and other stuff. It helps to grow their awareness and educational background.

Plus, camping will impart new and valuable skills they’re not taught in their school, such as fishing, cooking, setting up shelter, etc.

If you plan to spend time outdoors, it’s always good to go prepared. For example, I’d recommend checking with the national park service and local meteorological to confirm the outdoor conditions.

Slow Down

Spending time outdoors has forced me to slow down on my lifestyle. See, we’ve a lot going on, and it happens quickly.

But with camping, everything takes longer, which is a plus for me.

For example, I love the long hikes, the fullness of quiet time for thinking, setting up my camp, sourcing camping elements, and cooking.

Everything takes effort and time in the outdoors, but it’s usually so rewarding.


Camping has a lot of freedom to it.

For example, I’ve a blended family of two kids, and camping has allowed us to make some memories for ourselves.

My boys are quite naughty, but I usually turn off the “civilization rules” when camping and have no problem closing an eye on some of their misdeeds.

Want to climb trees? Want to throw a rock? Want to swim? They have the freedom to go for it.

They can explore Nature as much as they want and enjoy the natural consequences.

Overall, it’s amazing how much freedom camping gives to use with my family. Even better, my kids can turn their attention from the video games for the entire camping session.



I’m an introvert, usually dedicated to chilling out at home.

But camping is slowly growing into me because they’re not many distractions as my home. No radio, no TV, no internet, no housecleaning, and no distraction from kids.

Instead, the natural scenery allows me to relax and closer to Mother Nature. I can hike, cook, swim, or relax and chill here!

Back to the Basic

Camping seems to come with so much maintenance and fuss.

Sometimes, I feel like we spend so much time with fussy stuff such as setting up, fetching food, cooking, and more.

Now, initially, that would bother me quite a lot.

But with time, I grew into camping, and in many ways, all of that camping fuss is exactly why I love camping even more.

The fuss about camping makes me want to appreciate the small things we always take for granted. The back-to-basics approach makes me feel more connected to how humans used to live before the modern conveniences came.

Yes, camping requires some effort, but I don’t think there would be a reward for it without that.

Wrap Up: Why Camp?

Wrap Up Why Camp

With all the above health benefits of camping, who wouldn’t want to try outdoors?

If you’re new to camping, I understand you may feel intimidated, but you can always start small and work your upwards.

The first sessions will bog you down, but with consistency, you’ll grow into it.

Plus, always keep all the amazing benefits at the back o your mind, and you’ll have more reasons to want to continue camping.

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Picture of Lisa Hayden-Matthews

Lisa Hayden-Matthews

An avid Skier, bike rider, triathlon enthusiast, amateurish beach volleyball player and nature lover who has never lost a dare! I manage the overall Editorial section for the magazine here and occasionally chip in with my own nature photographs, when required.
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